The organisation has been actively working with the eunuch community since 2007, when a group of professionals, who were well settled in society, felt the need to look beyond the confines of their routine existence as the means to discharging their yearning for social and humanitarian causes. Realizing the need to focus on the requirements of eunuchs as a distinct community, they started with the oft repeated dictum of ‘A sound mind in a sound body’. Activities were commenced with the organisation of a health camp for eunuchs in Virar, a distant suburb of Mumbai. During this, free health check-up by qualified medical practitioners and medicines were provided to them as the first step towards enhancing the quality of life for eunuchs. The camp also included the promotion of good health practices among them, since this would address many health issues faced by the community.

The initial success established a base upon which, the scope of activities was gradually expanded to include the provision of basic necessities, such as food and clothing, as well as arranging education classes for the promotion of literacy.

With no regular source of income or employment, eunuchs mostly earn their livelihood by begging, conferring their blessings or soliciting clients. The use of alcohol and other intoxicants is very frequent in the eunuch community as well as in clients approaching them for sexual pleasure, resulting in unprotected sex for the most part. This places them at very high risk of contracting HIV/AIDS and other 2 sexually transmitted diseases. SOOE volunteers undertook comprehensive studies of these subjects and discovered that at least a tenth of all eunuchs suffer from tuberculosis. Although no official records exist to establish the connection, it is very obvious that this is due to the presence of HIV/AIDS. SOOE organises seminars on a regular basis, in coordination with prominent health journalists and activists, to make eunuchs aware of the risks of unprotected sex.

A basic impediment to the rehabilitation of eunuchs in society in general and the implementation of a lasting solution for their issues stems largely from their exclusion from the shared social fabric. The integration of the eunuch community into general society is precluded by the ignorance of the public at large about this particular section of humanity. Most people know next to nothing about them and their reaction to the sight of these unfortunates has its origins in the fanciful, derogatory and slanderous misconceptions that have been handed down through the generations. If eunuchs are to form a part of society, then the common man has to at least possess proper information about them and realise that they are also ‘regular’ humans. By providing information about this community through audio-visual media, SOOE hopes to make the common man aware of the hardships faced by the eunuch community on a daily basis, with a view to addressing their issues.