Aur Neha Nahi Bik Payee

Aur Neha Nahin Bik Payee

The film is a flashback of true events in the life of Late Neha, a eunuch, who used to live in Nala-sopara. She was born as a boy named Satish to middle class parents. Due to Satish’s ambiguous gender, his parents, primarily his father, bore the brunt of nasty jokes and comments. His father was unable to tolerate this insult to his manhood and blamed his wife and Satish for the turn of events.

As Satish grew - up, he began to follow on feminine traits and behaviour, leading to his father driving him out of his home. Later, Satish joined a band of eunuchs and for a little while, life passed by easily and quickly for Satish as she was gradually initiated and absorbed into the eunuch community as Neha.

Trouble brewed when Neha was unable to satisfy the exorbitant financial demands of Gurumai and it resulted in frequent abuse and physical as well as mental torture. In order to avoid this torture, Neha was driven into the flesh trade, losing any semblance of dignity and self-respect. To get out of Gurumai’s clutches Neha, along with her eunuch friend Jyoti, did try to join another band of eunuchs. When they visited the new band, they were treated like cattle and their selling price was assessed based on their physical attributes. Unable to raise the required amount to escape from the clutches of Gurumai, Neha and Jyoti resigned themselves to their fate, unaware of the UN Charter of rights that provide freedom and dignity to every human.

The film highlights how eunuchs live in serfdom and bondage. While Dr Ban Ki-moon, Former Secretary General, United Nations, in his message dated 2nd December 2010, accepted that slavery still exists in fourteen forms around the world, even the UN has glossed over the slavery of eunuchs in India as documented in the film.